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Join us on Saturday 4/17 at noon for the release of one new beer: Lock IPA #12: Spray, and the re-release of two of our most requested classics: Double Dry-Hopped Hayburner and Lock IPA #1: Packet.

These are our first labeled cans and we think they look great!

Packet - Spray - DDH Hayburner - Instagram.jpg

Lock IPA #12: Spray. The first person to solo circumnavigate the earth by boat was a man named Joshua Slocum, who sailed with a rebuilt oyster boat he called The Spray. While he didn't sail the Spray on the Erie Canal during this voyage, he did display it at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo in 1901. In 1909, the Spray was lost at sea, but its legacy lived on. This IPA was brewed using a solo hop, Strata, and is unique in possessing exotic flavors of pineapple, lychee, and ripe pear, along with a slightly dry body and balanced bitterness. 6.3% ABV.

DDH Hayburner IPA. This Double Dry-Hopped version of our flagship American IPA features even more bold citrus, stone fruit, and dank hop flavor and aroma for a more intense hop experience; yet, this beer remains as drinkable as the original. Double dry-hopped with Falconers Flight, Galaxy and Mosaic hops. 7.2% ABV.

Lock IPA #1: Packet is named after the boats that transported early passengers on the Erie Canal. The beer is made with Galaxy, Mosaic, and Pacific Jade hops, resulting in a juicy, sticky hop bomb with tempered bitterness and tropical and lightly floral hop flavors abound. 7.2% ABV.

All beers $14.99 per 4-pack. Available for pre-sale and pickup on Saturday 4/17!


